ZigaForm version 5.7.6

English knowledge base

How to manually edit or categorize cookies on Cookiezen #

Step 1: Log in to your Cookiezen account > Visit the “Cookies” tab > Select the cookie category

Add a Cookie

Click on the “+ Add Cookies” button.

Note: You only need to add cookies if Cookiezen missed any. To check cookies manually on your website please refer to this doc

Edit a Cookie

Click on the pencil icon of the cookie you want to edit

Final step: Edit/ categorize any of the Cookie details

Note: CookieZen will identify all cookies except the ones coming from iframes like Youtube videos, Google Maps, etc. because those are automatically blocked so you can stay worry-free about your website compliance. Try CookieZen for free 

In case of any further questions please feel free to reach us at Technical Support

What are your feelings
Updated on September 27, 2023